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Abhinav Sharma

Abhinav Sharma

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Title: Metal-Oxide Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for Glucose Sensing in Biological Fluid


Biography: Abhinav Sharma


In this study, we report metal-oxide field-effect transistor-based biosensor (Bio-FET) for rapid, label-free ultrasensitive glucose detection in biological fluid. The Bio-FETs are designed to produce thin metal-oxide (In2O3/ZnO) bilayers using a simple and cost-effective solution process. It also provides a scalable platform that facilitates mass fabrication at a low cost. The versatile surface chemistry of the metal oxide semiconductors employed allows for the incorporation of the selective enzyme, which is anticipated to enable the detection of a broader range of glucose concentrations with high specificity. Real-time measurement was performed to detect the glucose concentration from 1 nM to 20 nM in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The sensor showed linear behaviour with logarithmic to glucose concentration (R2 =0.93), with the limit of detection (LOD) down to 1 nM. The stability and reproducibility of the enzymatic biosensor were successfully established for glucose sensing. Moreover, the electrical response showed high selectivity against interfering species.